Top 15 Exercises to Lose Back Fat Fast for Men and Women

The most difficult thing about losing weight is that you cannot target a specific spot and work to melt away fat from that particular area. It takes well-planned full-body training to burn the fat and notice overall results. While most of the workouts concentrate on tightening and toning the stomach, arms, butt and legs, the back is one of the ignored and difficult trouble spots where the fat gets deposited and forms a flabby layer over the muscles resulting in embarrassing bra bulge and muffin tops. But, here are 15 classic body-toning exercises that will help you to flaunt a strong, well-defined and sculpted back and shoulders in very less time. You just need to do these exercises in circuit form 3 to 4 days a week with very little rest between each exercise.

15 Best Exercises to Get Rid of Back Fat

When it comes to toning your back, there is nothing called spot reduction, to be more precise, you can’t just lose weight only on your back, but these specific body toning workouts helps to empower and tone the muscles of the upper and lower back along with other body parts.

Pull Ups

Nothing can answer the question of how to burn back fat better than the good old pull-ups but women often feel scared and nervous hearing the word pull ups because it is no doubt difficult to perform. But for those who can’t do the basic pull up strength training moves, you can try other effective variations that show amazing results. Pull Ups is an all-encompassing exercise that helps to work and tone the different muscles present in the back.

  • Classic Pull Ups – Hang from a pull-up bar gripping it shoulder width apart. Pull your body up by pulling your elbows towards the floor and keep pulling till the chin passes the bar. Lowe yourself down until the arms are straight. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
  • People who are not able to do the Pull -up can do the Chin Ups or Negative Pull Ups or Assisted Pull Ups in the gym using a machine. You can also do the inverted row TRX band exercise which works quite similarly like the pull ups.

Push Ups

When it comes to resistance training using your own body weight, there is nothing like Push Up, that can be done anywhere in the home and requires no equipment at all. It is one of the best exercises for lower back as well that gives quick results.

Come to the plank position with your hands placed on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Now, lower your body towards the floor by engaging your back. Be in the bottom position for 3 to 5 seconds and the push back up contracting the chest. Do 15 to 20 repetitions without any gap.

TYI Exercise

The TYI is one of the fun and easy lower back fat workouts that can be done by almost anyone. The exercise is named TYI because the hand movements mimic the shape of these three alphabets, and it helps to tone all the back muscles at a time – both upper back and lower back.

Lie down on your stomach holding 3-pounds dumbbells in each hand. Lift your chest from the floor by engaging your back and then move your arms up and out to from a T position, next move into a Y position and then change to the I position with arms straight above your head and touching. This move targets the rear delts specifically, which is an important back muscle.

One Arm Dumbbell Row

This is a classic strength training exercise that is included in almost all types of exercise regimes in order to tone and strengthen the arms, but how to reduce back fat with the help of Dumbbell rows? Well, you can use this exercise to tone the upper back muscles and cut out the back bulge and extra flab.

Hold a 15 to 20 pounds dumbbell in one hand and stand with your feet placed hip-width apart. Bend your knees and push the hips back by lowering the torso until it is almost parallel to the floor. Now, place the right hand on a wall for support and balance and pull the weight up towards your chest by bending the left elbow. See that your shoulder blades are down and core is engaged all the time. Perform 10 repetitions on each side.

Renegade Rows

The renegade row is an intermediate level strength training move that helps to tone the abs, biceps, triceps and shoulders. It is a multi-purpose and multi-joint workout that enhances the strength of the muscles, but how to get a sculpted back using the renegade row exercise? To tell the truth, Renegade row workout is equally effective for working and toning the back muscles as well. The exercise involves a row movement that helps in engaging the upper back and delts.

Start in a plank position with arms straight beneath the shoulders and holding a 3 to 5-pound dumbbell in each hand. Squeeze the butt and pull your abs in towards your spine. Now, raise one arm at a time by lifting the weight off the floor and pulling it back towards the shoulder. Place it back on the floor and repeat the same with the other hand. This makes 1 repetition, continue 10 to 15 repetitions at a time.

Plank with Arm Raise

The classic plank exercise help to tone the core muscles effectively so that you can flaunt a flat abdomen and adding an arm raise to the plank helps to improve posture and core strength so make you feel better and appear taller. It helps to enhance your self-confidence. The plank with arm raises also helps to achieve a perfectly sculpted back.

Begin in a classic straight-arm plank position with your hand placed below and in line with shoulders and feet placed slightly wider than hip width apart. Lift one arm up to the shoulder height keeping your hips as still as possible and then come back to the center, then lift up the other arm to shoulder height and come back to the center. This makes 1 repetition, so 10 repetitions on each side by drawing your belly button in and keeping your body centred.

T Raise

The T Raise is an amazing stability exercise that helps to increase the range of motion and strength all through the shoulder, and it particularly targets the sides of the shoulders and upper back region while tightening and toning the back muscles. It is the perfect solution to the problem of how to lose back fat for women.

Stand while holding a pair of 2 to 3 pounds dumbbells with your feet placed hip-width apart. Now, bend your knees slightly so that you can shift your hips back and lower your torso till it is collateral to the floor. Bring the dumbbells close together and turn the palms to face forward. Lift the weights up to shoulder height and then lower them down. Do 15 to 20 repetitions at a time while keeping your core and glutes engaged the entire time.

Deltoid Raise

The deltoids comprise one of the most important muscles of the back, and the deltoid raise exercise focuses on the front deltoids and side deltoids along with the rear or posterior deltoids. This is a type of isolation workout that includes high-intensity movements focused on the two shoulder joints – the scapulothoracic joint and the glenohumeral joint which makes it one of the fictional back sculpting exercises.

Hold a pair of 5 to 10-pound dumbbells and stand with your feet placed hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Push the hips back and lower your torso till it is almost parallel with the ground. Turn the palms inwards to face the body, bend the elbows and lift the weights up to the shoulder height and then gently lower them back down. Focus on using your back and not your arms to lift the weights and keep your core and glutes engaged at all times during the workout. Do 10 to 15 repetitions.

Hip Twister Plank

Having strong core is one of the most important things for any skilled athlete or runner, and hip twister plank is one such ab and back sculpting move that trains the shoulders, glutes, quads, upper and lower back. This is one of the best isolated back exercises at home that requires absolutely no equipment.

Begin in a forearm plank position and then rotate your torso as you drop your left hip to the ground keeping your abs engaged and the shoulders above the elbows. Now, rotate your torso to the opposite side in a controlled motion dropping your right hip to the floor. Stop in the middle in between rotations to gain control of your balance if required. Do 10 to 20 repetitions on each side at a time.

Triceps Dips

Tricep dips are not only an effective exercise for toning the arms but also the shoulders and upper back muscles that provide defined muscles tone. It is a basic body-weight exercise that does not require much equipment and can be done using the support of any solid and secure surface. It can be done using a bench or on the floor.

Sit on a stable bench, chair or stair keeping our hands shoulder width apart and elbows slightly bend. Stretch your legs out in front with a slight bend in the knee and gradually lower your body towards the floor with the support of your arms until the elbows are at 90-degree angle. Now, press down into the bench straighten your elbows and raise your body up to the starting position. This entire down and up movement makes 1 repetition. Complete 15 to 20 repetitions at a time.


All of us like to move and fly about like our favourite superhero. Although, the Superman exercise can’t help you to fly, but it can sure tone your lower back muscles along with the shoulders, glutes, hamstrings, abs and arms. It is undoubtedly a full-bod workout exercise that helps to work the entire body. In addition, it is very easy and simple to perform.

Lie down on your stomach keeping your arms extended overhead and palms facing down. Now, lift your head, arms and legs off the ground at the same time as if you were flying and flex the lower back. Hold the posture for 3 to 5 seconds while breathing normally. You will feel the burn in your back muscles. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions at a time.

Seated Row

The seated row is by far the most effective back toning exercise that works the majority of upper back muscles including the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboid major and teres major. Working and toning all these muscles and having then well-conditioned help to give a sleek and toned appearance to your back. But this exercise has to be done using a rowing machine, so you need to have access to a gym.

Sit in front of a weighted row machine with your feet placed on the foot pads and knees bent. Bent your torso forward; engage your core and pull the handle to the base of your sternum by stretching the back and pulling the elbows back as much as possible. Now, return to the starting position with a controlled movement. This makes 1 repetition. Execute 8 to 12 receptions at a time using substantial weight.

Lat Pull-down

The lat pull-down is yet another back toning exercise that can be done by both men and women to work the major upper back muscles – the latissimus dorsi and teres major muscles. Toning these muscles helps to smooth out the layer of fat deposited on the back and gives a muscular definition. But you will need to use the pull-down machine in your gym to do this exercise.

Sit in front on a pull-down machine with your knees positioned under the roller pads, grab the bar with a wide overhand grip and pull the bar down towards your upper chest keeping your core engaged, hold the bar for a few seconds and let it return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions using substantial weight.

Bridge Knee Lift

The bridge knee lift is a useful exercise for toning the lower back, butt, hips, inner thighs and hip flexors. This is an amazing body toning workout that requires no equipment, and it shows fast results.

Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet placed on the floor, directly beneath your knees. Keep your arms by your sides and lift up your hips and keep it aligned with your shoulders, lower back and knees. Keep your stomach muscles tightened at all times. Now, raise your right foot off the floor and pull the right knee close to your chest without dropping the hips. Lower the foot slowly to the floor in a controlled movement and then lift the left leg and pull the left knee towards your chest. Lift each leg 20 times; stopping in the middle if your lower back hurts.

Resistance Band Rows

Almost all of us are aware of the amazing benefits of resistance band exercises, and this portable, and inexpensive equipment can be used for toning the back muscles as well. It strengthens the biceps and the lats – the broadest muscles present on the back. Toning the lats helps to tighten the upper back flab.

Hold the handles of the resistance band in each hand and rest your arms by your sides. Step onto the resistance band with both feet, positioning them shoulder width apart. Bend forward 45 degrees. Push your hips out on the back and engage your back. Now, bring your hands under your shoulders and pull the handles next to your chest without sticking out the elbows. Pause for a few moments and put your arms down. Complete 15 to 20 repetitions at a time, stopping only when your back muscles become exhausted. You can use a band with greater tension to increase the level of difficulty.

5 Important Lifestyle Tips to Get Rid Of back fat

Other than body toning exercises, following a healthy diet and stepping up your cardio can also help in toning your back bulge successfully. Here are a few simple tips you can follow.

  • Notch Up the CardioCardio exercises are the best way to burn calories and cut out fat from the body. For best results devote at least 30 minutes of cardio exercises 3 to 4 days in a week. You can do cardio exercises like swimming, running, jogging, brisk walking, rowing, biking and dancing.
  • Opt for Interval Training – Interval training is an amazing way to burn fat more quickly. Doing high-intensity interval training helps to burn fat even after you have completed the exercise.
  • Do Body Weight Workouts – Body weight exercises can help in strengthening the back, and it does not require any special machines. Body weight exercises target several back muscles and work them all at the same time.

  • Do Weight Training and Use Machines – Using free weights and weight machines can also help in toning the back. Strength training should be combined with cardio in order to get optimum results.
  • Have a Balanced Diet – Having balanced and a well-planned diet low in calories helps to cut out the flab. Include a variety of foods from each important food group and add protein to each meal. Don’t forget to have 4 to 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day along with healthy carbs.

Now, you can flaunt your perfectly toned back with confidence by doing these 15 power-packed back sculpting exercises that are suitable for both men and women.

Top 15 Exercises to Lose Back Fat Fast for Men and Women was last modified: April 27th, 2018 by
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