8 Krav Maga Workouts For Self-Defense and Whole Body Workout

Have you ever tried a martial-arts based self-defence system known as Krav Maga. Created in the 1940’s in Israel, it is a culmination of several combat-based training disciplines like boxing, Muay Thai and wrestling. This zero-frills training is fast-paced and helps you work out faster than you think. Basically, the workout pace is so fast that you hardly have time worrying about the impossibly grueling speed.

It is not very easy for common people, and not even for diehard fitness enthusiasts. Also, not only the fitness aspect, Krav Maga combines a lot of things together, such as self-defense for you and your family. You are conscious about your safety practice, but what are you doing to make that effort to learn something new to defend yourself? Taking up Krav Maga can help you take the right step towards fitness and self-defence.

There are some things that stop you from embracing the unknown. Yes, there are excuses galore such as lack of time; you think you just don’t have it in you to pursue something that will require chunks of your precious time to pursue something like a black belt.

And if you are still scared of taking this up, you’ll be glad to know that this self-defense technique was designed to be easy-to-learn and very easy-to-execute. It’s not what you will call a martial art, in the true sense of the word. In fact, it is more of a self-defense technique and a very effective one at that.

Krav Maga techniques are for everybody, all inclusive of the defender’s size, gender, strength, athletic ability, or fitness level. The moves don’t look choreographed as they include natural instincts and responses, and you improve the same with repetition, which is ingrained right into muscle memory. These moves are highly effective in high-stress environments such as combat, and this notches up your fitness levels, as it is a total-body workout.

The Method

This hand-to-hand combat system, conceptualized by the Israeli Defense Forces combines a no-nonsense approach and practical techniques. The moves are equipment-free and are apt for a number of scenarios.

You don’t need to prep a great deal for the Krav maga self-defense techniques which is great as you do not require sneakers or boxing gloves; this holds true when you are under a threat of a real attack.

If you can, get a partner to practice with you in an open space. Don’t pick up the pace right at the beginning as over-zealousness can mar your workout. Add speed only when you are comfortable, be precise and sharp with your moves.

If you do not have someone to partner within your workouts, make do with a heavy punching bag at the gym.

Krav Maga training work best in a group class and you can use this technique to learn from a qualified instructor or you can pick the tricks even at home. These moves equip you with some basic tools that will help you escape an attacker, raise your heartbeat and also help you break into a sweat. The best way to do the workouts is by mastering each move. Once you master the technique, perform all the moves for two to three minutes. Once you complete the first round, rest for 1 minute, and then try the entire sequence as a circuit workout or a strength training exercise for at least 2 or 4 times till you are fatigued.

Top 8 Krav Maga Techniques – Provides You a Total Body Workout


Give your everyday routine the spunk and the zest of krav maga techniques. Krav maga hones your skills, helping you to adapt to any kind of stressful situations. The technique benefits you even when you venture out of your training room, out into the real world. Fitness is not about being a certain body type. Overall fitness is something that gives you strength in both mind and body and gives you the power and resilience to face any situation. What’s more? It endows you with a razor sharp mind and teaches you to be more alert. It also helps you to beat the hell out of stress. Do, you want any other reasons to start on the new Krav Maga martial arts training? Learn these cool moves and become a pro at this krav maga training program.

 1. Fighting Stance and Movement

This fighting stance gives you a sense of balance and provides a solid platform from where you can deliver powerful strikes.

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. If you are right-handed, take a step forward on the left. Just the opposite, if you are left-handed. Maintain a wide stance and go from front to back and left to right. Ensure your toes are pointed. Now, bend your knees and ensure your back heel is off the ground slightly. Lift your hands before your face, keeping your elbows in. Now, tuck your chin, shrugging your shoulders into more of a ‘turtled posture.’ This is what you can call a fighting stance.

Ensure you do not bring your feet together or cross each other. Maintain a wide stance throughout, keeping it left to right or front to back, no matter how nimble-footed you are. Now, move forward as you push off your back foot and step with your front foot at first, then take a small step with your back foot to get back to a fighting stance. Step back with your back foot first. Now, onto your left with your left foot first. Round off by stepping onto the right, moving with your right foot first, ensure you return back into a nice balanced position.

2. Knee Strike

This is an attacking move, where you make contact with the front of your knee to the groin area of an assailant. Now, get into a fighting stance and deliver the knee punch with your rear leg, it will be your right leg if you’re right-handed. Drive off the ground with your back foot, bend your leg while you tuck your heel towards your butt, driving your knee strike up and moving it forward in a straight line. You get the power while driving your hips forward once you start the strike. Recoil your leg and foot while you get back to the fighting stance.

3. Palm Heel Strike

This is a strike where you make contact with the fleshy end of your palm to the nose of your assailant.

Raise your hands up while you use your left hand to jab if you are a natural right-handed person. Move forward in a straight line away from your face. Keep the other hand closes to your face and keep it for protection. Move your same-side shoulder and hip in one powerful move. As you push your hand out, put it back to your face, much like a recoiling move. Now, do your “cross” move all over again, use your right hand if you are naturally left-handed, repeat the rotating motion with your hip and shoulder to make it a powerful move and get into a recoiling position. These explosive moves are perfect for generating power. Don’t straighten your arm completely to strike. Maintain a slight bend at the elbow.

4. Elbow Strike, Knee Strike

This elbow strike knee strike krav maga technique is a great move to target your shoulders, arms, and legs.

In a feet staggering stance, move left with your elbows and knees slightly bent. Keep your hands before your face. Lift your right elbow, bringing them near shoulder level, bringing the right thumb to the right shoulder. Drive your elbow forward while you move to the left. Return to the fighting stance, all the while keeping your elbows bent and moving your knee up before you. Push your hips forward, bringing your torso in line with your hips. Do 15 of these and repeat the same on either side.

5. Side Kick from Ground

The sidekick from ground hits your abs, glutes, and quads.

Lie on the left side with your hips stacked, keeping your left elbow under shoulder and your forearm on the ground with your right elbow bent and the hand by your face. Bend your knees 90 degrees and keep them in front of you. Keeping your knees flexed, bring the right knee in toward your chest. Now, shift your hips forward, off the ground and extend your right leg before you. Bend your knee and lower them to start. Do, at least 15 reps and repeat. Complete 3 sets in all.

6. Striking Down

The striking down move is perfect to work on your shoulders, abs, arms, glutes and your legs.

Start with your feet hip-distance apart. Keep your elbows bent, holding your fists before your face and your pillow between the feet. Squat low, keeping your knees behind your toes. Maintaining a straight back, hinge over from your hips and punch your right fist on to the top left corner of your pillow. Lift your chest, while you hold a squat and hinge over again and throw a punch on to the right corner. Keep alternating between right and left for full 1 minute. Rest it out for 30 seconds and do 3 repetitions.

7. Sprawl, Knee Tuck

The sprawl knee tuck move works your chest, abs, glutes, and legs. This Krav Maga fitness training is a perfect culmination of defensive and fitness technique.

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Squat low and place your palms in front of you. Immediately jump your feet back, getting into a full push-up position (palms tucked under your shoulders and the legs extended) keeping your feet wide. Then arch your back into the cobra pose, keeping your hips lowered toward the ground. Jump back into a squat. Keep your body straight while you jump, bring your hands to the chin, tucking your knees towards your chest. Complete 2 sets with 10 reps. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows and knees. This will help prevent any injury. To make this workout more impactful, exhale when you strike.

8. Krav Maga Hammer Fist

This one is a core and shoulder burner. If you have mastered the art of punching, you’ll love this.

Stand in a fighting stance, rotate and move your hips and shoulders exactly as if you are going to deliver a knockout punch instead of using your knuckles in delivering the punch and sending the bottom part of your closed fist toward the target. This looks as if you were trying to hammer a nail on a board before you. Now, recoil your strike back to your original position in the initial fighting stance.

If you feel sneaky hands wrap around your neck from behind, you don’t have to raise your voice for help. Now, you have a new tip and trick in your armory, your self-taught Krav Maga moves. Use them to good effect for a workout also for those emergency situations when your spunky attitude and cool Krav Maga moves is all you have to get the better of a risky situation.

8 Krav Maga Workouts For Self-Defense and Whole Body Workout was last modified: November 29th, 2018 by Devi Gajendran
Devi Gajendran: Devi Gajendran is a Post Graduate in Nutrition (University of Madras, Tamil Nadu) and has tons of experience in Fitness and Nutrition. She is the chief advisor and contributes to Indian Workouts website and has her final say on all the segments under fitness, workouts, weight loss and weight gain. She loves sweating it out at the gym and believes that 1 hour should be dedicated to me-time and in her case it is fitness. When not spending time at the gym she loves to listen to lilting melodies of the yesteryears.
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