Muscles can be developed even without expensive equipments or getting a gym membership. The specially planned body weight workouts put enough resistance to the muscles to promote muscle growth and these no equipment workouts help in bulking up without using a single weight. But the key is to do the right exercises in quick progression that forces the muscles to be explosive. Body weight exercises constantly test your strength against gravity while pushing up the stamina of various muscle groups at the same time.
5 Reasons for Doing Body Weight Workouts as Home
Muscle building home workouts that use body weight as a form of resistance are a great way to build muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness and promote calorie burning so that you can develop a lean and muscular body.
Efficient Workouts – Body weight based exercises such as plyometrics is the ultimate answer to the question of how to build muscle at home. The exercises are super-efficient that lead to amazing fitness gains from short workout durations.
Combination of Cardio and Strength Training – Home workout exercises using body weight provides the joint benefits of cardio and strength training. The exercises keep the heart rate up and promote muscle growth simultaneously.
Fast Calorie Burning – Body weight training boosts up the body’s metabolism and speeds up the calorie burning process of the body. This in turn reduces cuts out the fat from the muscles and tissues.
Enhanced Flexibility – There is a close relation between body weight training for strength and flexibility. The full range of motions involved in weight training exercises increases flexibility of the joints so that they can move freely. It also improves posture and reduces the chances of exercise-related injury.
Effective Results – Body weight exercises for building muscles show fast results because they involve compound movements such as push ups, pull ups, lunges and squats. all of these exercises are extremely effective in increasing strength and enhancing performance.
Top 10 Muscle Building Home Workouts for a Chiseled Body
The best way to build muscle at home is by using our own body weight. A well-planned body weight training routine that uses progressive overload can stimulate the growth of lean muscle mass. Some of the most effective exercise using body weight is as follows:
Push ups are one of the best muscle building workouts that you can do in your home. This exercise uses your own body weight and requires no other equipment. Push ups work the upper body thoroughly and promote the growth of biceps and triceps. It moves the scapula and serratus anterioe and also enhances torso stability by activating the obliques. It also strengthens the lower back and shoulders and makes your body better suited for strength training.
Lie face down on the floor while holding your torso up with your hands. Now, lower your body down as you inhale and press your upper boy up while exhaling and squeezing your chest. Wait in the contracted position for a few seconds and lower your body down again.
The pull-ups are one of the fundamental compound home workouts for the upper body that tones the muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest and upper back. It is also one of the toughest exercises that require extreme mental and physical strength. It is one of the best at home workouts for men that helps in developing the “V” shaped physique by working the latissimus dorsi – the biggest muscle group in the upper body.
Stand under a strong bar that can withstand your weight. Grip it with both hands placed shoulder width apart and palms are facing away from the body. Now, hang from the bar with your arms fully extended and core muscles engaged and slowly pull your body up till your nose clears over the bar. Wait in this stance of a few moments and return to the starting position.
Inverted rows
The inverted row is an effective compound exercise that requires no expensive equipment. This exercise is ideal for enhancing strength and building muscles fast. It works the muscles of the back, biceps and traps along with the stabilizer muscles present in between. Set up a bar above the floor at such a height so that you can hold it while lying down on the ground.
Lie on the floor under this bar and grab it with an overhand grip and try to pull yourself up by contacting your abs. Pull up till your chest touches the bar and see to it that your shoulders, hips, legs and feet are in a straight line. Lower yourself down to the starting position.
Dips are one of the classic exercises to build muscle at home without weights. Dips are one of the most effective closed kinetic chain exercises for the upper body that works opposing muscle groups while lifting and lowering. It helps in enhancing upper body mass and adding pounds to the arms and upper back. Stand in front of two stable platforms that are as high as your hips. This can be a kitchen worktop or any stable worktop with right angle edges.
Place your hands on the two platforms and stand in between them. Now, lift your feet off the floor and move upward with the pressure of your arms on the platform and lock your left foot behind your right foot in order to prevent swinging. Continue to lift and lower your body between the platforms with the pressure of your hands.
Handstand push-ups
Handstand push ups are the best home workouts to build muscle without weights. This exercise uses the body weight to build bigger and wider shoulders. It engages the trapezius muscles and also helps in building six pack abs because the abs are constantly forced stay tight while doing this exercise. Stand with your back to a wall, bend forward to place both hands shoulder-width apart on the floor.
Now, kick your legs up against the wall with your arms kept straight and slowly extend the legs above your body supporting them on the wall. Wait in this position for a few minutes while looking at the wall. Gradually lower yourself to the floor while inhaling.
Body weight biceps curls
Bicep curls are one of the most effective home workout exercises for building ripped biceps. The bicep curl is a power packed isolation exercise that works the muscles of the upper arm and forearm. Stand up straight with two equal weights in both hands such the palms will be facing the body. Now, exhale and move the weight in your right hand up towards your chest while keeping the upper arms stationary.
Continue to raise the weight till the biceps and fully contracted and the weight is a shoulder level. Lower the weight to the initial position and repeat the same with the left hand.
Body Weight Triceps Extensions
The body weight triceps extension is one of the typical home exercises for building stronger and larger triples. Start with a plank position where your body is held above the ground with your feet, hands and elbows. But place your hands a few inches in front of the shoulders rather than placing them directly below the shoulder.
Now, push your upper body up by straightening your arms from the elbow and keeping moving up till your arms are straight and then lower your body so that your elbows touch the ground. Keep your core involved and your back straight all through the exercise.
Lunges are the perfect muscle building home workouts that help in developing the muscles of the lower body. It enhances core strength, promotes the growth of lean muscle mass and increases the flexibility of the hips. Stand straight with your chin up and abs contacted.
Now, take a step forward with your left foot and bend down by bending your left knee so that your right knee rests just above the floor and the toes of your right foot are curled in. Push back up to the starting position and repeat his movement with your right leg. You can also do this exercise by holding dumbbells in both hands.
The squat is one of the effective home workout exercises for the lower body that engages a large number of muscles at the same time. It engages the quadriceps, hamstrings hip adductors, glutes, calf, rectus abdominals and erector spinae. Stand with your feet placed a little more than shoulder width apart. Extend your arms out straight and move squat down by bending your knees and pushing your hips backward.
Maintain a neutral spine and keep your chest and shoulders upright. Now, push your body back up to the standing position by driving through the heels. You can also hold some weight while doing squats to make them more effective.
Single leg Romanian Deadlifts
The Single leg Romanian deadlift is a killer workout at home that works the muscles of the back of the legs and hips such as the hamstrings and glutes. It also tones the muscles of the core and midsection. This exercise also helps in improving balance and corrects strength imbalances. Hold a weight in your left hand and stand on your right leg while keeping the torso engaged and back straight.
Now, bend the hip and lower the upper body and simultaneously lower the weight forward. At the same time, your left leg will move back and will be extended at the back. Come back to the initial position and repeat this workout with the other leg.
So, now that you know the 10 power packed full body workouts that will help you to get a ripped and muscular body even in your home, start practicing them to achieve your dream figure fast.
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