10 Best Suspension Trainer Workouts Using TRX

Suspension training is a technique of strength training that involves a system of ropes and webbing that s known as a suspension trainer or TRX that enables the user to work against his or her own body weight. Most of the suspension training workouts include compound movements that are aimed at developing flexibility, balance, strength and joint stability. The best thing about suspension training is that the exercises can be adjusted according to a person’s fitness level by changing the body position to increase or decrease resistance. Suspension trainer exercises take the same old triceps extension and chest press to a whole new level and enhance their effectiveness. The basic thing to keep in mind while doing suspension training is that the steeper the angle of the body with the floor, the easier the exercise and the more the body is parallel with the floor, the more challenging the exercise.

Benefits of Suspension Training Workouts

No need to buy a range of expensive workout equipments or burn a hole in your pocket by enrolling in an expensive gym. All you need is a quality TRX suspension trainer that enhances strength and flexibility and builds muscles by allowing you to work against your own body weight.

Improved Core Stability – The core does not stand for only the abdominal muscles, it includes the muscle group that forms the cylinder of the lower torso. The muscles include rectus abdominus, obliques along with multifidus muscles. Suspension training workouts targets the core muscles and concentrates on the core that has a compounding benefit for the body.

Better Balance and Coordination – Suspension training uses a person’s own body weight to create resistance and this helps in strengthening the subtle supporting smaller muscles that help in improving balance and coordination and also promotes the nerves for better reflexes.

Ideal for Developing a Lean Body – Suspension training is the best form of workout for developing a lean and attractive body, this is not possible with other forms of exercise. Body weight exercises are perfectly conditioned with the person’s own body that makes them safer and more portable compared to working with free weights.

Top 10 Suspension Training Exercises with TRX

Suspension training workouts are extremely effective in improving the strength of core muscles because these workouts use the individual’s own body weight for activating the stabilizer muscles and core improvement.

TRX Single Leg Squat

Single leg squat is an amazing exercise for shaping and toning the hips, hamstrings, glutes and core muscles but most people are not able to so this exercise because of lack of balance and strength. But the single leg squat can be done with ease using a TRX suspension trainer that prevents the rotation of hips and does not allow the torso to tilt back. This exercise helps in building durability by putting more stress on the muscles without adding pressure on the knees and spine.

Adjust the TRX straps at mid length and place your elbows under the shoulders holding the belt with both hands. Now, place the right leg at the anchor point and the left leg on the ground. Lower your hips down to a squat keeping your right leg extended in front. Push up through your hips and stand tall. Repeat the move by raising the left leg.

Y Fly

The Y Fly is the best ab workout using suspension trainers that work all the core muscles while keeping the spine rigid. This exercise stabilizes the core and leg muscles and also works the arms at the same time, that is not possible while workout on a stability ball. All the major muscles are involved and integrated into the movements making it an intense core training workout.

Adjust the TRX straps at mid-length, hold the ends of the straps with both hands and extend the arms overhead to form a “Y” position so that there is tension in the straps. Now, lower your body while keeping the arms extended. Pull the handles by driving the knuckles back and lift your chest up while keeping your eyes fixed on the anchor point.

Atomic Pike

The atomic pike is one of the best suspension trainer exercises that work the entire body right from the arms and core to the hips and legs. The body receives the push from the arms, the core muscles are engaged in a plank and the hips and legs are stretched for the pull. So, all the major muscles of the body are engaged in different things at the same time.

Begin in a plank position by resting your feet in the foot cradles and keeping your knees on the floor. Now, lower your chest towards the floor and push back up to the plank position by keeping your shoulders, hips, knees and ankles aligned in straight line and then finally drive your hips up by keeping your torso straight. Keep your core tight and come back to the starting plank position.

TRX Powerpull

The power pull uses one arm at a time and although it is almost like a one-armed row, this is one such suspension trainer workouts that work the biceps, triceps, lats and the back – all at the same time.

Adjust the TRX straps at mid length and hold the handle with your right hand and pull it to your chest. Raise your left hand up along the main strap of the TRX towards the anchor point. Now, in a circular motion bring your left arm towards the ground and extend your right arm holding the handle forward. Again, pull the handle towards your chest with your right hand while driving the left hand towards the anchor point. Keep your hips engaged at all times throughout the workout.

TRX Bridge to Inverted Row

The bridge to inverted row is one of the most effective suspension training workouts that works the biceps, back, traps and all the stabilizer muscles present in between these major muscles. It can be considered one of the functional full body workout exercises.

Lie on the floor grasping the handles of the TRX with both hands and keeping your arms extended. Your feet should be placed on the ground. Now pull the handles and drive your hips as high as possible in the air. At the top of the movement, pull the handles till they touch your shoulders. Then slowly lower your body to the starting position.

TRX Press Up

The Press Up exercise using TRX is developed keeping the theory of the good old push-up in mind. It is one of the best TRX exercises that improve shoulder stability along with some core training. The independent movement of the TRX straps forces the lifter to stabilize the arms using the neglected muscles of the shoulder.

Hold the handles of the TRX from your back and keep your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Place your feet under the anchor point and lean forward to press up position. Lower the body as much as possible by keeping the back straight and then press back up to the starting position.

TRX Squat Jump

The TRX squat jumps are an effective lower body workout that works the gluteal muscles including the two-headed and four-headed muscles of the thighs. It is the best exercise for strong and explosive legs.

Hold the TRX handles with both hands and come to a squatting position by keeping the arms slightly bent. Now, as your hips move below your knees, jump up forcefully in the air while holding the TRX and maintaining the tension in the straps. Land smoothly and again plunge into a squatting position. You can increase the difficulty of this workout by wearing a weighted vest.

TRX Superman

The TRX superman workout is one of the best TRX core exercises that use the body weight for training the muscles. This exercise helps in increasing functional strength, flexibility, core stability and balance – all at once without straining the joints.

Stand under the anchor point and hold the handles of the suspension trainer in both hands. Now, lean forward as much as possible by raising your arms straight overhead and keeping your core muscles tight and engaged and maintaining the body in a straight line. Pause for a few moments in this suspended position and then stand up straight by doing a reverse move.

TRX Lunge

The TRX Lunge challenges the lower body and helps in improving leg strength and leg power by working the glutes in order to build explosive leg muscles. The independent legwork involved in this exercise enhances the strength and balance of the non-dominant leg so that both legs are equally powerful and efficient.

Stand with the suspension trainer at your back and place the left foot on both foot cradles and hands on the hips. Now bend both the knees till the right thigh is parallel to the floor. Push up with your right heel to rise to the starting position. Repeat the exercise by switching legs to make a complete set.

TRX Knee Drive

The TRX knee drive is an amazing core conditioning exercise that works the abs and obliques.

Stand in front of the TRX suspension trainer holding the handles with both hands, palms facing each other. Now, bend the left knee by 90 degrees and raise it up in the air and shift the weight to the right leg. Now, bend the right knee as well to lower your body such that the right thigh is almost parallel to the floor. Lift your body up by rising on the ball of the right foot and as you lift your left knee in front of you, bend your elbows by pulling the handles towards your chest. Go back to the starting position and complete the set by repeating the exercise by switching sides.

Just get a high-quality TRX suspension trainer and start your workout session in your home for comprehensive fitness.

10 Best Suspension Trainer Workouts Using TRX was last modified: April 23rd, 2018 by
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