Easy and Effective Workouts for Men Over 40 to Lose Weight And Stay Fit

Are you in the 40s and struggling to lose a few extra pounds? Be assured, you are not the only one dealing with this issue. Losing weight for men before 40 and after 40 are two different ball games. It is true, with age, putting on weight is as easy as it is difficult to shed. Even with a balanced diet and plenty of weight loss exercises the hand of the weighing scale refuses to move to the left. You may have even given up the sugary delicacies and stuck to a low-fat diet, but things may not change. The truth is, with growing age, fat accumulates at a faster rate on the body, which results in bigger pant size and stubborn weight gain.

Why losing weight after 40 is Difficult

The reason why losing weight after 40 is harder can differ from person to person. Unfortunately, genetics play a significant role in it, and if you have genetically inherited heavier body then it might be even more challenging to reduce weight.

Besides genetics, the decreased metabolism is another major reason why losing weight after 40 is harder and takes longer. Experts say that metabolism decreases with age. As we grow older, the metabolism slows down at a faster rate. This happens due to several factors including changes in hormones, lifestyle patterns, eating and drinking habits, daily routine, and more.

Additionally, the stress levels contribute to the challenges of weight loss for men over 40. It is said that stress levels are higher in men over 40 than men in 20s. This often results in lower levels of motivation and poor lifestyle choices. Moreover, with aging, there is a major loss of muscle mass that is replaced by saturated fat. Due to the decrease in muscle mass, a natural process of aging, the body is unable to handle long jogs, intense workout routines and other kinds of physical activity. Therefore, working out after 40 may not feel too easy. It is harder to find that motivation to push yourself and get on the yoga mat, gym machines or even the jogging track in the nearby park. Despite all these reasons, losing weight after 40 is not impossible. It is very much possible to shed that extra weight, tone up your body and look attractive in your favorite tuxedo.

If you are a male who is in the 40s or just started 40s and are looking to lose weight before it’s too late, this article will tell you exactly what to do. Simple dietary changes and adopting a healthier lifestyle is not all you must do, it is important to push your limits and perform workouts to lose weight. Here are a few basic and best workouts to lose weight after 40. Practicing these regularly will accelerate the weight loss process and help you stay fit and healthy.

Effective Workouts to Lose Weight and Stay Fit After 40

Cardio Exercises

Cardio, or cardiovascular exercises, are immensely important to maintain a healthy weight and good fitness levels. These exercises increase the heart rate and push the lung power. It engages all the major muscle groups and keeps your heart and lungs in sound health.

Brisk Walking:

This is the simplest exercise that one can do to lose weight after 40. Walking at a faster and steady pace can increase your heart rate to a level that will burn a few hundred calories. You can walk on incline path for an intense workout. Experts recommend 30 minutes of brisk walking a day to maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress levels.

Jogging or Running:

Take the cardio workout to next level by jogging or running and burn calories at a much higher rate than walking. It is said that you can burn up to 700 calories while jogging for an hour. You can even try sprints, by increasing your pace up to 80 percent for 3 minutes and slowing down to a comfortable walking pace. Make sure you do not stop moving when performing sprints.  Sprint running has proven to be an effective and best exercise to lose weight.


Another easy and basic over 40 workout is cycling. It does not only burn calories and boost the weight loss process, but is also a great workout for your joints. It improves flexibility and shapes the lower body.

Mountain Climbers:

If you are not someone who likes to perform their workouts outdoors, this one is for you. Mountain climber is a high-impact exercise for weight loss for men over 40. Due to its ability to engage most of the muscles of the body, it is a great strength exercise too.

To practice mountain climbers, start in a push-up position and move your legs backward and forward like you are climbing a mountain with the help of your four limbs. This will strengthen your shoulders, chest, triceps, abs, and core.

Strength and Weight Workouts to Lose Weight After 40

If you want to look like a superhero to your kids, there is no way you can escape strength training even at 40. It helps in taking care of the fast reducing muscle mass and built strength and endurance in your muscle and joints. Additionally, it helps burn fat at a greater rate and tones the body. Hence, over 40 workouts must include strength training. Experts recommend performing full body strength training workouts at least thrice a week.


Pushups are a classic strength and weight loss exercise that every one of us is familiar with. It is probably the oldest form of exercise that is still considered quite effective. It makes the body stronger and shapes up the muscles. This indeed is the most basic and fundamental exercise that must be performed by men who care about their weight and fitness.

Technique: This classic muscle-building exercise starts by lying on the floor on your chest. Keep your palms firmly rooted to the ground with legs and arms fully extended and weight on the toes. You will find yourself in plank position. Keep your glutes engaged and core tightened as you slowly move towards the ground until your nose touches the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and move back to the original position. Perform at least 10 repetitions in sets of three.


With these few master exercises, your kids and wife are going to be really impressed. This is yet another best exercise to lose weight and build strength. This workout targets the upper body, back, shoulders and biceps. It is one of the simplest workouts you can perform to keep your fitness levels in check.

Technique: Grab hold of a sturdy pull-up bar, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart. Fully extend your arms as you hang on the bar and slowly pull yourself up to a level where your chin goes above the bar. Slowly, lower your body to the original position.

Air Squats:

This weight loss exercise is also known as bodyweight squats and it is perfect to get your glutes, thigh muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps stimulated. Besides weight loss and toning, this exercise increases flexibility.

Technique: Stand straight, with feet hip-width apart. Place your toes firmly to the ground and keep your arms relaxed on the sides. Engage your ab muscles and open up your chest a bit wider before lowering your hips to the ground by bending your knees. Come back up, to the starting position. Repeat this 15 times, in sets of three.


Do not underestimate the scope of this basic workout. Lunges may look like a simple exercise; but it can really get challenging and give great results. It helps you develop the glutes, calves, hamstrings, and abdominal muscles.

Technique: Begin in standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a long step and keep one foot forward as you take a dip by bending your knees to the ground. Hold this position for a second or two before coming back to the original pose. Repeat with opposite leg. Repeat this for 15 repetitions in sets of three.


This isometric exercise is amazing for abs and core. Bonus point, it heals back pain caused due to long hours of desk jobs. All you have to do is assume the posture of a flying Superman and maintain the weight of your body on your torso.

Technique: Lie down on your chest and extend your arms and legs fully. Simply raise your arms and legs off the ground, simultaneously. Hold this position for a few seconds before lowering down your body in a relaxing position. Repeat it 10 times for good results.

The above-mentioned are a few fundamental workouts to lose weight and stay healthy after 40. Apart from these weight loss exercises, you can also perform Triceps dips, ab crunches, bicep curls, burpees and more. The important thing to remember is that you have to keep your body engaged in some form of a physical activity in order to maintain a good lifestyle and a healthy body.

Bonus Tips for Losing Weight After 40

  1. Keep a check on your calorie intake
  2. Cut down on alcohol and smoking
  3. Increase protein intake
  4. Fulfil vitamin and mineral deficiencies by consuming necessary supplements
  5. Quit refined carbohydrates
  6. Make exercise a regular part of your daily routine
  7. Consume lots of water
  8. Consult your doctor regularly

Disclaimer: All exercise should be done under the supervision of certified professionals or if any medical condition exists, please do seek the advice of the physician to proceed with this exercise.

Easy and Effective Workouts for Men Over 40 to Lose Weight And Stay Fit was last modified: January 7th, 2019 by Devi Gajendran
Devi Gajendran: Devi Gajendran is a Post Graduate in Nutrition (University of Madras, Tamil Nadu) and has tons of experience in Fitness and Nutrition. She is the chief advisor and contributes to Indian Workouts website and has her final say on all the segments under fitness, workouts, weight loss and weight gain. She loves sweating it out at the gym and believes that 1 hour should be dedicated to me-time and in her case it is fitness. When not spending time at the gym she loves to listen to lilting melodies of the yesteryears.
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